Cindy Wigglesworth
Business visionaries focused on Cognitive (IQ) Intelligence for decades, as a way of recruiting and retaining the best and the brightest, until the breakthrough concept of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) was embraced. Now Cindy Wigglesworth, Fortune 500-level executive leadership expert, unlocks the final frontier to our highest human potential with her latest book SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence (Select Books; October 9, 2012; $24.95). By enhancing our most evolved perception of the world—our spiritual in...
Jennifer Redner
It’s one of the least known scourges of our times – early and forced marriage. Child marriage for short. The average American does not know that in the developing world, 1 in 7 girls are forced to marry before their 15th birthday. That’s 10 million per year, with some girl brides as young as eight or nine. Worse? The husbands are often much older --30, 40 and even 50 years old. In 2011, world leaders like Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, and Desmond Tutu said “Enough!” They formed a global partnership called Gir...
Stuart Wilde
Catherine Bradford is pleased to welcome back Stuart Wilde, Metaphysical Visionary and Author of 20 books (translated into 50 languages worldwide) on Spirituality and Personal Development. ...."Through tenderness we move from the insistence of the intellectual mind to the warmth of the heart, and there in that warmth we soon find humans in need, people that live in a harsh, ugly world that are desperate for a little tenderness. The acidity of their lives is killing them. So we begin by being tender toward ourselves, by being n...
Dr. Matthew Edlund
COUNTING DOWN TO THE END OF HEALTH CARE AS WE KNOW IT How to be healthy without ObamaCare, Medicare or health insurance As we sit on the edge of our seats awaiting word of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, one thing is clear – no matter what the outcome, the days of affordable, accessible and comprehensive health insurance are over for most of us. The state of healthcare is already disastrous; the United States ranks 50th in the world in terms of expected lifespan according to t...
Alexandria Paul
Alexandra Paul, an actress (best known for her role as Lt. Stephanie Holden in TV series "Baywatch") and social activist, has teamed up with Population Media Center (PMC) to train local actors in Sierra Leone for PMC’s newest radio series. PMC produces serialized dramas on radio and television to improve the health and well-being of people around the world and encourage positive behavior change. The radio drama series will be addressing the following issues in this west African country: • Reproducti...
Lisa Monaco Gonzales
Unbreakable Spirit "Sinlessness," written by Lisa Monaco Gonzales, exposes her nightmare of surviving sexual child abuse to the world. In Unbreakable Spirit, bestselling author and breakthrough specialist Lisa Nichols presents 39 inspiring true stories of bouncing back and soaring high against all odds; "Sinlessness" is one of those amazing chapters that displays the unbreakable spirit. No matter who you are or what your circumstances, you will find yourself in these pages... along with the courage to rise above your own ...
Master Charles Cannon
In November of 2008, Pakistani Muslim terrorists attacked Mumbai. One of their targets, the 5-Star Oberoi Hotel, was where Master Charles Cannon, and twenty-four of his international Synchronicity associates were staying. During the ensuing 45-hour siege, four in the group were wounded and two – long time members Alan Scherr and his daughter Naomi - were killed. Synchronicity survivors responded with forgiveness. When rescued by SWAT teams and interviewed by the international media, they all expressed immediate compassion and und...
Karen Wyatt, M.D.
What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of the Dying This is a collection of stories from the files of hospice physician Karen Wyatt MD that reveal the end-of-life wisdom of several dying patients and their families. Through these stories and the spiritual discourse that follows, profound lessons are demonstrated that change one's perspective toward suffering, life and death. ...
Andrew Cohen
Powerful thinkers make for powerful interviews. I found this to be the case when having the great honor to talk with Andrew Cohen, spiritiual visionary, teacher and author of Evolutionary Enlightenment. I am excited to welcome back Andrew as we dive deeper into how we co-create our realities and help with our own evolution. Here's what many others are saying about Andrew's book! Come join us! Integral philosopher Ken Wilber, author of The Integral Vision : “In Evolutionary Enlightenment, Andrew Cohen has given us a compel...
Gloria Feldt
When we stand in power and walk with intention, we can lead and live without limits. It’s my passion to inspire women to embrace power—the power to accomplish your goals as a leader or a lover. As a writer, I wrote No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power and three other books to help women lead unlimited lives. As an inspirational keynote speaker and workshop leader, I share the practical No Excuses 9 Ways “Power Tools” that you can use immediately at work, in politics or civic life, or a...
Marie D. Jones
“You can’t avoid it, it’s written in the stars.” “Life is what you make it.” Since the day we are born, we are bombarded with contradictory claims that our lives are pre-destined, that Fate deals us the cards we must play OR that our lives are the results of our choices, and that we make it up as we go along. “Destiny vs. Choice” examines the philosophical, spiritual and scientific evidence for both claims, and how we can live better...
Robert V. Taylor
A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive There is a new way to be human—a way that is simple, and profound. A way that enlarges the imagination, cares for the world, and honors our environment. A way to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Holy and in the process, to become more fully alive. A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive is about: “Throughout the years I’ve admired Robert’s compassionate ministry of God’s love and hope and the ...
Bernardo Kastrup
A strong and growing intuition in society today is the idea that our thoughts create our own reality. Yet it seems obvious that, try as we might, our lives are not quite what we fantasize. Is the intuition thus wrong? Through a rational, methodic interpretation of meditative insights, the validity of which is substantiated with a compelling scientific literature review, the author constructs hypotheses that reconcile facts with intuition. Mesmerizing narratives of his expeditions into the unconscious suggest an amazing possibility: just ...
Austin Vickers
Can People Really Change? Good movies are based on the successful attempt to tell a story. People v. The State of Illusion takes you further, by making you part of the story being told. This film, by Austin Vickers, questions the very nature of reality, and through an examination of our perceptions, beliefs and imagination, makes you both judge and jury in what will be the most important trial you will ever witness. This must-see psychological movie includes, as expert witnesses, some of the nation’s leading...
Dave Gardener
GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth is a ground-breaking new documentary film that explores society’s worship of growth -- and the forces that keep us addicted--even when it's doing us no good. "We're at a point where we have to choose either a culture of growth or a culture of sustainability," according to the film's director, Dave Gardner. "The evidence available makes it clear the scale of the human enterprise has outgrown our planet," says Gardner. "Yet we ignore that evidence with wild abandon. GrowthBu...
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Hello everyone!
Well, as much as I had wanted to begin broadcasting The Catherine Bradford Show as soon as July 16th on LA Talk Radio, it appears that we are all going to have to wait for that DEBUT SHOW. Over this past week circumstances (family matters) have created the need for me to postpone my opening show from airing, and so, we will all have to wait. I am hoping to have made it to the other side of these events within a short period of time, but until then, I am asking for your patience.
In the meantime, while taking this short and temporary hiatus from being on air live, I want to invite you to keep c...
06/27 - Juliet Maroni

Many of you who tune in regularly to the CTR Network and the Catherine Bradford Show are already aware that June 27th marks my last LIVE broadcast on this internet station. Do not dispair, I have no intention of leaving internet radio or hosting the Catherine Bradford Show. I have made the difficult decision, however, to switch internet radio stations, and soon you will be able to listen to my show LIVE on LA Talk Radio, located in Los Angeles. This growing station offers over 80 shows, on two channels, in a wide variety of topics. I am thrilled to have the opportuni...
06/20 - Derek Mills

A Practical Guide to Releasing Your Inner Genius
Derek Mills
Derek Mill's story of how he turned his life around from failing businessman and father to creating a massively succefful and harmonious life will both inspire you and warm your heart. It only took one seemingly insignificant question from an office security guard one night for Derek to stop, connect deep within himself, and in the next 10 seconds begin to see a way to change his entire life completely. Derek's philosophy of immediate change - The 10 Second Philosophy - will transform your business, relationships, and life, and also bring you a sense ...