JESUSGATE: a History of Concealment Unraveled Part One
JESUSGATE: a History of Concealment Unraveled Part One
Ernie Bringas
Show Description:
What if you attended church and the sermon that day began something like this.
"Today we would like to set the record straight. The story of Christs birth is not accurate. Nor is the birth date we celebrate. Christ was not born of a virgin mother. He did not return to life three days after his death, nor did he transcend to heaven. He did not 'die for your sins'. And he is not 'literally' the Son of God."
WHAT? Imagine sitting in a church that revealed the modern day facts, long known and held by well known and respected religious scholars from around the world, that have been purposefully withheld from congregations around the world.
Ernie Bringas a former Methodist minister explores the deep divide between what we are taught about the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and the emerging realities of why such blind faith is misplaced. In this remarkable book, he presents lucid and compelling arguments for a world in which the ability to experience compassion, mindfulness, suffering, joy and love requires neither the miracles nor the myths of organized religion in order to teach us how to expand our consciousness to truly embrace the essence of Jesus’ “message.” Ernie is deeply concerned about what he calls religious illiteracy and how it has created consequences for our society that are far reaching. This ignorance of our religious obsolescence has disrupted the quality of life on all levels, be they personal, political, scientific, or otherwise. In Jesusgate the problem sees the light of day and is explained in words that are powerful, understandable, enlightening and with gentle humor!
Guest Bio:
ERNIE BRINGAS has a Master of Divinity degree from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, and was ordained as a minister of the United Methodist Church. He is presently an adjunct faculty member teaching Religious Studies at Glendale Community College in Arizona. Under their auspices, he previously taught these classes at Arizona State University. He served the Church for almost twenty years before venturing into academic studies. During the early 1960s, Ernie and his partner Phil Stewart founded a rock group that came to be known as the RIP CHORDS. The group, on Columbia Records, placed five hit singles on Billboard’s Hot 100 singles chart from 1962 to 1965. Ernie is the author of two previously published books, Going By the Book: Past and Present Tragedies of Biblical Authority (Hampton Roads Publishing, 1996) and Created Equal: A Case for the animal Human Connection (Hampton Roads Publishing, 2003) and now his latest book JESUSGATE: a History of Concealment Unraveled (Rainbow Ridge Books September 21, 2012).
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