Shining Stars in the Dark
November 29, 2010
This week, given the recent events taking place in the East (Korea), I found myself waking up in the middle of the night worried. I turned on the t.v. to watch the early morning news on the East Coast. I watched, in the darkness of my bedroom, as the journalists gave updates about the tension taking place in what might as well be another planet. Later that afternoon, more chaos struck the airwaves as the story was revealed on the leaking of an enormous number of confidential cables and correspondance from U.S. diplomats around the world. I found myself thinking, once again, "Are we NUTS? Have we completely lost it? Where the Hell is this going to lead us?"
It's easy to become overwhelmed with the 'news' of the day, as one bad, dismal story stacks upon the affects of the previous one. It feels as though we haven't any time for recovering from one unpleasant and worriesome event before another befalls us.
Last night I was feeling pretty low. In the late evening I took my dogs out for their usual night time romp and stood looking up into the nights sky. It was quite black and yet I was struck by the contrast of the glowing stars. I suddenly remembered that light always accompanies those dark moments, and if you take the time to notice, we are offered grace, beauty and hope in each and every moment of our day.
I returned inside, sat down on my couch and surrounded myself with the love of several devoted animals, who once again became my teachers, gently offering me the lesson about unconditional love.
I hope, no matter what may come our way, that we can maintain our light, continuing to shine in the darkest of times.
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