Changing Years, Changing Gears
December 24, 2011
Once again we come to the end of our calendar year (for many of us), welcoming in the New Year with traditional resolutions, pledges to be better, do better, and change. As we bid farewell to 2012, many of us welcome the year 2013 with an added element of curiousity, anticipation and heightened awareness. With so much being written about, talked about, speculated about around this special year, I cannot help but think of more practical, perhaps mundane aspects of life here on earth.
Regardless of what my happen to us as a people on planet earth, or to us as individuals in this upcoming year, I see the changing year as yet another opportunity to change my perspective.
I believe perspective is the root of everything. Our perspective brings us joy, or misery. Our perspective makes us optomistic or pestimistic. Our perspective broadens our understanding of ourselves and others opening our hearts, or it holds us back, separating us in judgment and fear.
As you bid farewell to this year, and move into the New Year, I would ask that you take a moment to reflect on your own personal perspective about all things that surround you. What can you change, even in the smallest regard, that might create a great opportunity for you to see the abundance that is around you.
I hope all of you will embrace this New Year with a fresh perspective and renewed sense of hope. Don't forget that life is what you make it.
Posted By: mymorri 10/27/18 | Payslipview |

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