Trials and Tribulations
January 18, 2012
Twice today I was involved with women who were in crisis. One I knew, and spent time listening, sharing and coaching. Another was someone I didn't know at all. I saw her sitting in her car, alone, hands held to her face, crying. Both episodes moved me in the same way.
It is damn near impossible to see any 'light' when you feel consumed by shadows, depair and darkness. Feelings of being overwhelmed, unable to see any options that might lessen the pain are powerful and seem as though nothing can set us free from their terrifying grip.
Everyone has experienced these feelings as some time or point in their lives. Everyone. We all face emotions of shame, quilt, frustration, disappointment and disillusionment. But even though we may find ourselves completely beaten down by these trials and tribulations it is important to not forget that we do have a choice to see things from a better pespective.
Whatever your personal belief system, we can turn to our faith, calling on our trust in our higher power to illuminate this important point.
With each perceived defeat we should rejoice in the infinite opportunity to rise up and try again. Despite our perceived failures, always self imposed by us, we are free to stand in the light of our possibility rather than the darkness of our imagined defeat.
Without the dark we would not come to love, cherish and appreciate the light.
To my friend who called today, remember this. Your life is a gift, no matter what you may be feeling. You have beautiful friends who love you, despite what you may see when you stare at your weaknesses and failures. You are loved, by so many.
To the woman I saw crying alone in her car, you too are blessed. I was fortunate to witness your sadness, and felt immediately connected to your spirit. I know your moment of sadness will pass and blossom into a cherished lesson, making you stronger than you were before.
To all, to any, to us. May we find strength in our times of need. May we always reach out for help, love and understanding. May God bless us all.
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