Break Free Beauty: Love Your Body, All of It!


Break Free Beauty: Love Your Body, All of It!

Sarah Maria Dreisbach

Show Description:
Wellness Roadshow welcomes Sara Maria
"Break Free Beauty" Love your body, all of it!

We're not thin enough, so we starve ourselves. We're not toned enough, so we exercise to exhaustion. We're not healthy enough, so we avoid all pleasurable food in favor of alfalfa sprouts. And we're not beautiful enough, so we keep ourselves apart from others and the love they might offer. In a culture that worships thin, young, fit, and perfect, few of us can measure up. And our obsession with what we are not has extinguished the joy and vibrancy of who we are. "There is a way out," says Sarah Maria Dreisbach of Break Free Beauty. "It is possible to love and respect your body, to be at peace with your natural urges, and not live in constant fear of gaining weight or growing old. I know the path to befriending the body is not easy. It is painful and difficult, and at times you may feel it is hopeless. But I assure you that it is possible."
Come join Host Catherine Bradford as she and Sara Maria tackle the tough topic of body image.

Guest Bio:
Sarah Maria is a body-image expert who helps people love their bodies no matter how they look. She shows people how to discover the beauty that is already inside of them, right now, in this moment. Once they connect with this beauty, they will discover that anything is possible - that they can create a body and a life that they truly love. Her mission is to create a world where every person sees the beauty in themselves and in others. Her book, Love Your Body, Love Your Life will be released in November of 2009. Sarah Maria has trained with well-known teachers and physicians, including Deepak Chopra, Dr. David Simon, Wayne Dyer, and Jack Canfield, among others. Her work has been endorsed by Deepak Chopra, Dr. David Simon, and NY Times best-selling author Marci Shimoff, as well as many other notable physicians, psychologists, and educators. Before writing her first book, she received a law degree from Stanford and a Master's degree in international affairs from Columbia University. Contact her at 

Tags: Health/Wellness

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