Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4

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Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4


Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4

Rita Louise, PhD., ND

Show Description:
Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4 brings the whole subject of energy medicine into vivid reality where it will provide you with fascinating insights and a deeper understanding of yourself as an energetic being. It is a journey deep into the realm of subtle energy, where it explores issues at the core of our very being: What are we made of? Why do we get sick? How can I live a more balanced and whole life? Dr. Louise blends complex topics such as religion and philosophy with medicine, physics and psychology into a concise theory as to the nature of subtle energy and the disease process. Written in a conversational style, she integrates the Yogic chakra system and the Qabalah and provides you with a road map to understanding the elusive structures that lay hidden to the naked eye yet influence our experience of physical, mental and emotional health. Through case studies and down-to-earth examples, you will learn how to realign your body, mind and spirit so that they function in harmony with one anther. Also included are wonderful exercises that you can use immediately to uplift your mood and energize your being. This will allow you to feel more at ease in your body and increase your experience of inner peace, self-awareness and centeredness. Most importantly, it will help you reclaim your most valuable asset - your health.


Guest Bio:
Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND is the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics and the host of Just Energy Radio. A Naturopathic Physician and a 20-year veteran in the Human Potential Field, it is her unique gift as a medical intuitive and clairvoyant that illuminates and enlivens her work. Author of the books Avoiding The Cosmic 2X4 and The Power Within, Dr. Louise credits early childhood influences for the direction her life would take.

By the age of 12, she had already begun searching for spiritual self-discovery pursuing topics including health and wellness, philosophy and the esoteric arts and sciences. At the age of 30, Dr. Louise enrolled at the Berkeley Psychic Institute where she studied meditation, energy medicine, and learned how to perform clairvoyant readings. Continuing her educational pursuits, Dr. Louise earned the distinction of Reiki Master and Certified Hypnotherapist. At 37, Dr. Louise returned to school full time, earning a degree as a Naturopath and then her Ph.D. in Natural Health Counseling, thus rounding out her education.

A frequent consultant to the media, Fox 4 and Channel 5 News have reported on Dr. Louise's groundbreaking work in medical intuition and energy medicine. She has spoken to organizations including the Naturopathic Medical Association, the American Podiatrist Association, and the Texas Department of Health.

She is a frequent guest on the Fee To The Fire Radio and has been a featured guest on shows such as Shirley MacLaine's Independent Expressions Radio Show, X-Squared Radio, the Lou Gentile Show, Contact Radio, Second Site Radio, and Out Of This World Radio. She is a regular contributor to publications including In Light Times, The Edge News, and Voice of Choices Magazine. Her alternative health articles have also appeared in publications such as Fate Magazine, Today's Dallas Woman, Inner Self Magazine, Holistic Health News and The Psychic Journal.

The founder of the North End Psychic Fair and a former Pastor for the Church of Divine Man, Dr. Louise currently trains students in medical intuition, intuitive counseling and energy medicine. In addition, she runs a private practice and is a professor of Alternative Health Studies at Westbrook University.

She is the Chairman of the Board for the International Association of Medical Intuitives, has served on the Board of Directors for the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, and is a member of the Naturopathic Medical Association. Through her work, Dr. Louise has been recognized by National Register's Who's Who in Executives and Professions.

Tags: Alternative Healing, Health/Wellness, Medicine/Eastern

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