The Uncommon Path

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The Uncommon Path

Mick Quinn

Show Description:

3-4 pm PST
The Uncommon Path offers you the clarity to be courageous, the tools to express your originality, and the awareness to sustain your full potential. Each chapter of The Uncommon Path includes Evolutionary Pointers that distil its core concepts into a sentence or two that can easily be practiced throughout the day. Real-Life Examples appear throughout the book and guide the practitioners to integrate the wisdom of this message into their careers, relationships and everyday lives. Regardless of your cultural background or current spiritual practice, you will find that this book delivers (many & profound) Aha! moments.

Clearly exposing the kaleidoscope of metaphysical distractions orchestrated by the unhealthy-ego that keep us well clear of a sustainable path, this work directly points us toward our next levels of individual and cultural development.

The Uncommon Path combines core aspects of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory, the simplicity of Genpo Merzel's  Big Mind Process, the gentleness of Eckhart Tolle's wisdom, the clarity of Andrew Cohen's teachings of Evolutionary Enlightenment, and evolved exercises based on the lifework of Coaching  founder, Thomas J. Leonard. The goal is to help you identify and transcend concealed conditioning on the path of awakening authentic joy.

Guest Bio:

Bestselling author of The Uncommon Path, Mick Quinn, teaches internationally with his wife Debora Prieto who uses Genpo Roshi's Big Mind Process. Together, this couple are helping people from all walks of life to discover and express their full potential. Mick also provides Integral-Coaching to clients on an individual basis.

Currently residing in Utah with his wife, Debora Prieto, this Irish-born author was the founder and CEO of several multimillion-dollar companies and is quoted regularly in many publications, including CNN Living, The Washington Times and The Wall Street Journal.

He chose to give up his American Dream lifestyle in 2001, and studied Buddhism, Christianity, and the evolution of consciousness all in search of discovering and expressing his eternal motives. Please visit his website for more details:


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