The Divine Name: The Sounds that Can Change the World

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The Divine Name: The Sounds that Can Change the World

Jonathan Goldman

Show Description:
Sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman shares his incredeible discovery of the Divine Name, a universal sound that, when intoned, can bring harmony and healing to ourselves and the planet. This sound, encoded within our DNA, is the personal name of God, once found in the religious texts that link over half the world's population. Prohibited and then lost for nearly 2,500 years, the Divine Name is available once again. When vocalized, it is a sound that has the ability to resonate both the physical body and sbutle energy fields of anyone who intones it - irrespective of religion, tradition, or belief. It has the power to usher in a new era of human consciousness, uniting us in healing, peace, and oneness.

Guest Bio:
Jonathan Goldman is an international authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. He is the author of The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing, Healing Sounds, Shifting Frequencies, and Tantra of Sound, winner of the 2006 Visionary Award for Best Alternative Health Book. Jonathan presents Healing Sounds Seminars throughout the world and is director of the Sound Healers Association and president of Spirit Music, Inc., in Boulder, Colorado. A Grammy nominee, Jonathan has created numerous best-selling award winning recordings and is a lecturing member of the International Society for Music Medicine.

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