Our View: Topical Talk

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Our View: Topical Talk

Catherine Bradford, Arlene Tognetti, Cindy Louie

Show Description:

As we move into the end of summer, we continue to follow the top news stories from around the world on this weeks show. We also welcome, this week, several special guests.

Hour One:
'Spring Reins of Hope: Getting to the Horse of the Matter' with Co-Founders Christianna Capra and Dr. Maria Karavidas. "We are a certified EAGALA Model program serving NY ~ NJ ~ and East PA with talented EAP/EAL horses to help facilitate positive change in people’s lives both personally and professionally in an innovative and experiential manner!  No horse experience is necessary to benefit and all of our work is done on the ground (no riding involved).  The horses are very effective in helping people overcome adversity and to initiate breakthroughs in a timely manner." 

Hour Two:
Stuart W. Rose, PhD. "Sustainability: A personal journey to a built sustainable community....and an amazig picture of what life will soon be like."
Stuart has created possibly the most sustainable housing development in the United States. In his book, he guides us through a global transformation taking us from the depletion of the world's resources and the current economic and political upheavals, to a unique and insightful vision of what our living environment and our quality of life will soon be.

These specials guests will join this week's program along with our normal coverage of the top news stories.

Guest Bio:
For many decades, Catherine Bradford has been emersed in the wellness industry, from nursing back in the seventies at Stanford, to founding a wholistic healing center and then on to radio broadcasting, she has certainly shown her dedication to offering our world paths toward healing, well being and raised consciousness.
Arlene Tognetti is another veteren in the art of healing, helping thousands over the years find their own higher path through astrology and tarot readings, as well as teaching. Her intuition, ability to interpret and compassion places her in master levels in all she does.
Cindy Louie comes to Our View as our newest host. We are excited to welcome Cindy with her wide life experience and innate wisdom. Cindy's background comes from the diversity of working for years for Microsoft and then leaving to begin her own business in graphic design, website development and internet success.

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