Breaking the Cycle

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Breaking the Cycle

George Collins

Show Description:

Sex addicts live with a compulsion they just can’t shake—an inner voice that compels them to seek pornography, pursue sexual encounters with strangers, and do everything they can to gratify the sexual urges that won’t go away. But people with sex addictions can learn to enjoy lives of productivity and purpose and develop true intimate connections with others. Breaking the Cycle helps readers learn to identify the triggers and compulsive thoughts that keep them trapped in the cycle of addiction and offers skills for countering those thoughts instead of simply caving to them. By drawing on their deepest values and ideals, readers find the strength to separate their true selves from their obsessive thoughts. Gradually, using proven techniques, readers develop resistance to their former triggers and make sex addict behavior, and then the addictive thoughts themselves, a thing of the past.

  • Up to 24 million Americans are sex addicts (The National Council on Sexual Addiction Compulsivity).
  • This clear, secular approach to overcoming sex addiction was developed by the author, who has used this program with hundreds of clients for over twenty years at his highly successful private practice focused on sex addiction.
  • The author is a former sex addict with over twenty years of experience counseling people with sexually compulsive behavior.

Guest Bio:

George N. Collins, M.A., Director of Compulsion Solutions

George Collins is the founder and director of Compulsion Solutions, an outpatient counseling service specifically for the treatment of men who suffer from the results of sexually compulsive behavior. Counseling is also available for wives, couples and partners.

George earned a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology (with a Transpersonal Specialization) from John F. Kennedy University. He is a professional member of the National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. He is recognized as an acknowledged "expert" on sexually compulsive behavior. He participates in forums on pornography and sexual compulsion, and has been a guest on local, national, and international radio and television shows.

Breaking the CycleBut George did not just go to college and read about sexually compulsive behavior. He lived "the life" and got over it. Who is better able to help you than a former sex addict?

Tags: Men's Issues, Relationships, Transformational, Women's Issues

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