Forgiving the Unforgivable
Forgiving the Unforgivable
Master Charles Cannon
Show Description: In November of 2008, Pakistani Muslim terrorists attacked Mumbai. One of their targets, the 5-Star Oberoi Hotel, was where Master Charles Cannon, and twenty-four of his international Synchronicity associates were staying. During the ensuing 45-hour siege, four in the group were wounded and two – long time members Alan Scherr and his daughter Naomi - were killed. Synchronicity survivors responded with forgiveness. When rescued by SWAT teams and interviewed by the international media, they all expressed immediate compassion and understanding toward the terrorists, offering words of forgiveness, not accusation. This catalyzed a deluge of e-mail messages and phone calls from around the world. "I am inspired by your response," people wrote. "How did you get to be the way you are?" And, "How can I learn to be that way too?" Forgiving the Unforgivable answers those questions. This book outlines how true, deep, and unqualified forgiveness can become instinctive—by living The Holistic Lifestyle. As survivors retell the horrific moments of their ordeal, they also reveal the modern spiritual philosophy of life that enabled them to transcend and transform this terrifying experience.
Guest Bio:
Master Charles Cannon is known world-wide as a spiritual visionary and leader in the field of modern spirituality. He founded Synchronicity Foundation for Modern Spirituality in 1983 and developed the High-Tech Meditation and Holistic Lifestyle experience which has helped transform the lives of thousands worldwide and for which he is acknowledged as a pioneer in the evolution of consciousness.
Based on his spiritual experience, his primary focus has always been the exploration and study of mysticism, philosophy and comparative religion. His higher education was in comparative religion and philosophy, and his life, from his earliest years, has been marked by spontaneous, metanormal experiences of expanded, holistic and transcendental states of awareness.
Master Charles' primary teacher has been the Blessed Mother who began appearing to him in his early childhood and whose apparitional manifestation continues into the present time. His vision is holistic spirituality and his enlightening experience validates his monotheistic philosophy of life. He shares a holistic model of reality with One Source Consciousness as the substratum of a multi-dimensional reality along with the mechanics of its actualization through holistic lifestyle in human experience.
In 1970, while still in his early twenties, he traveled to India where he became one of the closest Western disciples of Paramahansa Muktananda, among the most well-known and highly acknowledged Eastern mystics of the modern era. From 1970-1982, Master Charles was extensively trained in orthodox, Vedic/Tantric philosophical contexts and was ordained a monk of the Vedic Order of Sannyasins, the oldest existing monastic, contemplative order in the world today. His monastic name is His Holiness Swami Vivekananda Saraswati. He also served as an Ambassador for Muktananda's tradition and appeared in a number of high-profile public venues all over the world. Throughout this time, he continued to experience a progressive expansion in his mystical experience through the art and science of meditation and holistic lifestyle.
Master Charles and Synchronicity associates inspired world audiences in 2008 by expressing love, compassion, and forgiveness rather than condemnation towards Islamic terrorists who murdered two and injured four of their group during the Mumbai terrorist attack. In the aftermath of their rescue, they created One Life Alliance, a charitable, educational organization dedicated to honoring the oneness and sacredness of life.
Master Charles' seeming abandonment of the traditional context of spirituality in favor of a contemporary approach has made him one of the most innovative spiritual educators of our time. An extremely effective and engaging speaker, Master Charles and his focus on Modern Spirituality has been well featured in the international media and he has presented programs at the World Health Organization; the National Institutes of Health; Columbia, Oxford, Tel Aviv and Bombay Universities; Westminster Abbey; the United Nations and the Vatican.
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