End Emotional Eating
End Emotional Eating
Jennifer Taitz, PsyD
Show Description:
WHO: Clinical psychologist Dr. Jenny Taitz introduces the latest in psychology to help those who struggle with emotions and eating in her upcoming book, End Emotional Eating: Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills to Cope with Difficult Emotions and Develop Healthy Relationship to Food (New Harbinger, July 1, 2012).
WHAT: Food is something we can't live without, yet for many of us, our relationship with it diminishes our quality of life. Introducing the science of acceptance, Dr. Taitz uses her arsenal of training in acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy to help readers understand and heal their complex and/or long-rooted issues.
In addition to tangible tools, End Emotional Eating also includes anecdotal case studies from Dr. Taitz' experience in therapy, highlighting a wide array of emotional eating issues that all end in success. Combining her extensive therapy background with her emphasis on instilling hope and motivation, the book is a leading-edge resource for readers that is grounded in compassion and focused on mindfulness and really, truly living.
"I really want to underscore that this book is not about eating but living too," says Taitz. "These go hand and hand: emotion regulation is not just to eat better but to live more effectively."
Guest Bio:
Dr. Jenny Taitz is a licensed clinical psychologist. A certified Diplomate of the Academy of Cognitive therapy, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy and a pre-doctoral fellowship at Yale University School of Medicine in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Her practice includes treating patients for anxiety and mood disorders, as well as personality disorders. Learn more at drjennytaitz.com.
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