SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence
SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence
Cindy Wigglesworth
Show Description:
By enhancing our most evolved perception of the world—our spiritual intelligence—we can develop our full potential and lead a joyful life that serves others. Drawing upon the latest research into psychology, human development, behavioral theory and spirituality, Wigglesworth created a tactical guide to help professionals develop their most profound spiritual intelligence. “If I’m earning a paycheck but am impoverished when it comes to joy, I am not living a spiritually intelligent life,” says Wigglesworth. Where SQ21 differs from other books of its kind is in its practical application and provides a set of skills that help readers live and work with greater direction, wisdom and compassion.
Developing SQ allows us to make decisions on a higher level while under stress, dealing with complexity or undergoing high rates of change. Wigglesworth divides her 21 skills into four quadrants:
· Know Thyself – Begin the shift from the pettiness of ego to a higher self in order to reduce the drama in your home, your workplace and your relationships.
Know the World – Discover your interconnectedness and the vast potential of universal awareness unlimited by human boundaries.
Self-Mastery – Realize how putting aside the often powerful drive of the ego for the greater good can allow us to reach higher goals.
Social Mastery and Spiritual Presence – Integrate all of the skills of SQ to become a powerful leader and change agent.
Guest Bio:
Cindy Wigglesworth is the President and Founder of Deep Change, Inc., a company dedicated to helping individuals and organizations integrate and access their Deep Intelligence®. With 20 years of experience in global HR management, she has been running her own successful business since 2000. She is the creator of the SQ21™ Spiritual Intelligence self-assessment, the first competency-based spiritual intelligence assessment instrument. In addition to her many radio appearances, she has been a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show and PBS television.
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