Wellness Roadshow: Searching for Whole Being 

"Raising consciousness through conversation."

Hello and welcome to the Wellness Roadshow: Searching for Whole Being. I am often asked, "What is wellness and what does one do to achieve the highest state of well being?" After two years of hosting, and after over two hundred interviews on varying aspects of wellness I can honestly say this: We live in extraordinary times, times of unprecedented wisdom, knowledge, beliefs and theories. More than ever before we can understand the perfect interrelationship of mind, body and spirit. We truly are evolving a new paradigm, where thoughts create, where hope heals, where love, compassion and joy are the prescriptions for living a life well balanced, peaceful and whole. Wellness and whole being are determined completely by you: how you think, what you believe, how you act, and how you choose to ‘be’ in this world. It is my goal and purpose to bring you, each week on the Wellness Roadshow, authors and experts in the field of health, wellness and whole being. My fondest hope is that you will open your mind, listen with your heart, and find those moments of ah-ha that will awaken within you the eternal state of perfection that is who you truly are, have been and always will be. Join me, each week, as together we explore this new world filled with infinite knowledge, wisdom and possibility.

                                                                                                          Host, Catherine Bradford

Displaying records 61 - 75 of 190 First | Previous | Next | Last

Eat It Up! A Full Life After Weight-Loss Surgery - 5/13/10

Connie Stapleton, Ph.D.

70% of Americans are Considered Obese   First Lady Michelle Obama is creating a task force to address obesity in America’s children.  Oprah’s most popular shows have to do with weight loss, and her struggle to lose weight and keep it off,  while The Biggest Loser is one of the most popular reality television shows today.  Diet books sit at the top of the bestsellers lists. And yet, we continue to get fatter. What is the answer? A current study concludes that teens have a better chance of successful weig...

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Healthy Sex Drive, Healthy You - 5/13/10

Dr. Diana Hoppe

Somehow, we dedicate 100% of our hearts and minds to our family, our work, and our community. We are organized, smart, nurturing, and generous. We are intensely well-informed about how to manage our finances, cook chicken in 365 different ways, write a brilliant resume, and be the best parent who ever lived. What we tend to overlook, however, is becoming as well-informed as possible about our private concerns: our mental, physical, and sexual health. You have taken an important step in empowering yourself to take control of your health and ha...

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Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call - 5/13/10

Dr. Doris Rapp

Toxic chemicals are everywhere and they are hurting our children, all wildlife, our planet and us. Find out how to protect yourself and your loved ones, we have polluted our air, water, soil, food, homes, schools and workplace. WE MUST STOP IT! Chemicals damage: •Our immune systems causing infections, allergies and cancer; •Our endocrine system causing thyroid, and adrenal disease, and diabetes; •Our nervous system causing learning and behavior problems; •Our reproductive system causing major sexual difficulties, and ...

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The Decision Tree: Taking Control of Your Health in the New Era of Personalized Medicine - 4/29/10

Thomas Goetz

3-4 pm PST When it comes to our health we’re often overwhelmed, scared, and confused about how to mind it. So we don’t. Many of us stop engaging altogether and let doctors and insurance companies decide on our care. But we’re at a moment when better personal health lies within easy reach. New research shows that engaged individuals have better health, and tools like personal genomics services and self-tracking iPhone apps can give us that engagement—improving our decisions about what we eat, reducing our risk factor...

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Prostrate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds - 4/08/10

Dr. Arthur Burnett

Those three little words, "you have cancer" can strike terror into the heart of the strongest man. Prostrate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, can be a fear-provoking diagnosis and a disease that is complicated to treat. While published medical advice exists, Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds: Advice on Options, Treatments and Aftereffects by Arthur Burnett II, MD and Norman S. Morris is the first book to bring together the latest in disagnosis, treatment and management of aftereffects with ho...

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Mindfulness and the Art of Choice - 3/25/10

Karen Sherman, Ph.D.

Do you have the life you want? Each person is entitled to have 'the good life.' Most don't experience this because of getting caught up in reacting, continually recycling old patterns that keep you stuck and emotionally frozen. By practicing the simple tools Dr. Karen Sherman offers in her book, 'Mindfulness and the Art of Choice', you'll learn how to live mindfully and create the great life you want. The Art of Choice will make a difference Understand why you have not been able to achieve the life you desire Become aware of the signal...

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Radical Forgiveness: A Revolutionary 5 Step Process to Heal Relationships - 3/25/10

Colin Tipping

Is there a divine purpose behind everything that happens? If you're willing to embrace that possibility, every aspect of your life can change. This is the theory behind Colin Tipping's revolutionary method for experiencing the freedom, peace, and renewed energy that come with Radical Forgiveness. In Radical Forgiveness, Colin gives us step-by-step instruction in what begins as a healing process and culminates in an entirely new way of living in the world. Discover how to transform difficult emotions like anger, fear, and resentment into uncondi...

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Anorexia Nervosa: Questions and Answers - 3/24/10

Dr. Sari Shepphird

Host Catherine Bradford welcomes Dr. Sari Shepphird as she shines a bright light on the myths and facts of Anorexia Nervosa and gives clarity to this complicated condition. Understand the causes, warning signs, and diagnosis of anorexia as well as the treatment options available. As a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience in the field of eating disorders, along with contributions from actual patients, Dr. Shepphird will help you learn about how to fight this disease through offering invaluable help....

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Beverlye Hyman Fead - 3/18/10

Beverlye Hyman Fead

Nana, What's Cancer? How do you explain a disease as potentially scary as cancer to a young child? Children are naturally curious and love to ask questions, but sometimes, when the subject is as complicated as cancer, it can be tricky for adults to provide answers that are both simple and sufficiently informative. In 2002, author and stage IV cancer survivor Beveryle Hyman Fead was given two months to live. Seven years later, she's teamed up with her 11-year-old granddaughter, Tessa Mae Hamermesh, to pen 'Nana, What's Cancer?' This loving c...

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On the List: Fixing America's Failing Organ Transplant System - 3/10/10

Steve Farber

"On the List: Fixing America's Failing Organ Transplant System", with Stever Farber Two families came together in the waiting room of a Denver hospital on May 11, 2004, to await kidney transplants for loved ones. In the first operation, Gregg Farber, 32, a real estate executive, donated a kidney to his father, Steve, a 60-year-old Denver lawyer and power broker. In the second, Guatemalan refugee and landscaper Ernesto Delaroca, also 32, donated a kidney to his sister Sandra, 19, a restaurant worker. The stories of how the Farber ...

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The Living Matrix The New Science of Healing - 1/28/10

Greg Becker

This show will take the place of today's Everything Animal broadcast. Tune in next week for another episode of Everything Animal. Mind, intention, belief...can these factors influence healing? How do placebos work? Can science explain “miracle” cures? A ground-breaking new film, THE LIVING MATRIX—THE NEW SCIENCE OF HEALING (Beyond Words/$19.95), answers these questions and explores how quantum physics, energy fields, and consciousness directly affects our health and well-being. For the first time leading scientists, re...

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Living Life as a Thank You - 11/25/09

Mary Beth Sammons and Nina Lesowitz

During today's show Catherine Bradford welcomes Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons, co authors of "Living Life as a Thank You." Living as if each day is a thank you can help transform hear into courage, anger into forgievness, and isolation into belonging. Authors Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons present a simple yet comprehensive approach for incorporating gratitude into one's life and reaping its many benefits....

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To Be or Not To Be Healthy - 11/11/09

Myles J. Schneider, DPM

For weeks now, on several of my shows I have covered the news around the Health Care Reform that is now before congress. Never before in my own life have I witnessed and participated in a discussion that affects all people in the USA. Having spent my entire life involved in personally or close to the health care system of our country I have long seen it's weaknesses, the eroding spirit of many health caregivers due to stresses and pressures, and the sad preventable waste of life that befalls many innocent paitents who are victims of the selfish...

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Stuart Wilde ~ Metaphysician - 10/28/09

Stuart Wilde

Stuart Wilde is considered by many the greatest living metaphysician in the world today. Many of the most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers have privately studied with him, or they have been greatly influenced by his work. In 2001, Wilde discovered the Morph phenomenon, a process by which physical reality goes transparent and soapy-looking and humans dematerialize. Watching the transcendental nature of Morph for eight years, he gradually wrote out in details the topography and exact nature of what is now known as the Aluna, M...

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The Grieving Garden: Living with the Death of a Child - 9/30/09

Susan Gilbert and Suzanne Redfern

Susan Gilbert and Suzanne Redfern offer a way for grieving parents to connect with others like themselves in their book, The Grieving Garden. Bereaved parents Gilbert and Redfern include their own experiences dealing with grief alongside twenty other parents' stories, creating an affecting collection of memories and comfort. The Grieving Garden brings parents isolated by the death of their children into the company of others walking the same path. ...

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Displaying records 61 - 75 of 190 First | Previous | Next | Last
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08/31 - Catherine Bradford, HOST
Radio Worth Waiting For!

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